Author: David Lowry

Listening: The Road out of Racism

I heard a news report, recently, about a group of teenagers detained by police during a theft investigation. One of the teens questioned why they were being detained: “Because I’m a teen? Because I have baggy pants?” The flippant words got a flippant answer from an officer with a Hispanic surname: “Because you’re white.” The mother of this teen later complained to the police chief and to a news reporter for NBC: “I was outraged. I was very upset. I felt like we were being outcasted because we’re white, which is just unheard of.”

The next day, in the Chicago Tribune, I read about an African American young man who attempted to hang himself in a police holding cell. He survived with massive brain injuries, no longer able to move or speak and spending the past year on life support. This young man, who had no criminal record, experienced a series of events that day that can only be described as gross injustice and racial profiling—these events being the “top of the iceberg” of his young experience. At one point he said to a Chicago police officer, “I’m so tired of racism, bro.”

I am reflecting on these two statements, one by a white woman (“I felt like we were being outcasted because we’re white, which is just unheard of.”) and the other by a young African American man (“I’m so tired of racism.”). There is a great distance between the experiences these statements express—the sense of privilege (it is unheard of to be outcasted because we are white), on the one hand, and the heavy weight of injustice, hurt and anger engendered by racism, on the other.

I write with white people in mind, myself, my family, my white friends and others who experience privileges that racism gives, whether we acknowledge it or not. I am reflecting on the distance that must be traveled between these two statements and experiences to gain understanding and how the journey is made or begun to be made. What does the road out of our racism look like?

It looks like listening. But it begins with repentance. Whatever we are able to recognize in the way of prejudice, we must turn from. Whatever we have assumed about privilege and power as legitimately ours, but which have had their source in racism, we must turn from. We must repent in order to begin to have ears that hear. And then we must listen. As we gain clarity, we must continue to turn, to make changes in our thinking and attitudes and actions. As we keep turning (repenting), we gain better hearing. To whom are we to listen? Those who have been affected by our racism and the racism of this society. Those who daily experience injustice and oppression from both personal affronts and systemic racism. We must hear the cries of those who are hurt by the injustices of our society, and we must listen to those who articulate their experiences and provide guidance for societal change.

In the sixth chapter of Acts, we read that “the Hellenists complained against the Hebrews because their widows were being neglected in the daily distribution of food.” In order to prevent this from continuing, the apostles chose “seven men of good standing, full of the Spirit and of wisdom” to administrate the food distribution. What is particularly interesting is that all seven of the men had Hellenist names. Apparently, the apostles felt that being “full of the Spirit and of wisdom” was not enough. Those who had experienced the injustice needed to be the ones who administrated a just distribution. They were in the best position to identify and correct the injustice.

Those of us who are white must stop listening to ourselves on how to administrate justice. We must listen to those who have the experience and knowledge to point the way. We must be guided by them. So, the word is: Listen!

Filed under: Justice, Racism

Witness From Silence

We live in a time where there are mass migrations because of war, economic breakdown, and famine. Globally and in this nation, there has been growing economic inequality. Racism has been virulent and violent. Anti-immigrant sentiment has grown at a time when the needs of refugees have become desperate. Those who Scripture calls “children of light” must give witness in this global darkness. So, what makes that witness possible?

When we feel the darkness gathering around us, do as the prophet, Zephaniah, tells us, “Be silent before the Lord God.” When we experience the breakdown in our society, the incivility, the hate and anger, the hurt, be silent before the Lord God. When we experience these things in ourselves, the hurt and sin, the racism, the stinginess, the indifference to the pain of others and the ignoring of the plight of future generations, be silent before the Lord God.

We often have so very much to say. We carry within us, ways of thinking that are rationales for our hidden prejudices, disoriented desires and values, ways of judging others and ideologies formed from selves constructed from a false center. And we speak and act out of that which is within. So the word to us is: “Be silent before the Lord God.”

Before we can be light in the darkness, we have to be still and listen. We have to listen and be changed by what we hear. We have to attend to what is going on within us.

“Be silent before the Lord GOD!” In silence before God, we get in touch with ourselves. Before God, no longer talking, no longer explaining ourselves, we acknowledge our own brokenness, our own false selves. We acknowledge our need. We desperately need God. Only as we live from our source will we truly do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God.

In silence before God, we acknowledge that God can do for us what we have been unable to do for ourselves: Liberate us to have compassion and love for others, other others (those very different from ourselves, including those whose ideologies are repugnant to us). Deliver us from people-pleasing ways, so that we speak the truth in love. Free us from fear, so that we speak truth to those in power.

In this present darkness, we must be silent before the Lord God and awake to what is happening around us, so that we might have something to say. Let God reveal to us ourselves and reveal to us the work and witness God calls and empowers us to do. This orientation to the source of our lives does not exclude gaining an understanding of the context and time in which we live but provides spiritual roots to our knowledge.

In the early hours of the morning, or if we are night people, in the late hours, do as Jesus did, take time to pray. Pray out not only our own needs but listen for the still small voice. Reach out for God’s will. Wait on God to speak. In the quietness, surrender our wills to God’s will. Pray, “Your will be done,” and wait. Be awake to hear from God, to be prompted by the Spirit of God. Let God enlighten the eyes of our hearts and give us discernment. Let the Spirit pour out God’s love into our hearts.

Go walk in the woods or along a lake or among the hills and be open and aware, awake to the ways God speaks through God’s creation, speaks without words, through the beauty and delicateness and power. Let God release us from the troubles of our hearts and free us for the action God has prepared for us. God intends for us to be lights in the darkness.

The children of light live from the Light. As children of the day, bear witness in the present darkness. Silent, open, and listening, we become witnesses to what we receive. From silence and listening, justice and mercy pour forth.

Filed under: Faith, Prayer, Witness

Privileged Or Servant

Recently, I participated in a People’s Lobby gathering in Chicago. This progressive community organization has been focusing on, among other things, ending mass incarceration, renewable energy, fair elections and corporations paying their fair share. There were commitments made, by various office holders, to our agenda. There was a celebration of new people—about three dozen, many young adults, running for office with commitments to social justice.

I have been involved with faith-based community organizing for years: the Calumet Community Religious Conference (responding to the closing of steel mills), Witness for Peace, the Developing Communities Project (with Barack Obama as our organizer), Metropolitan Alliance of Congregations and SOUL (Southsiders Organized for Unity and Liberation). These organizations were led by clergy and people of faith. They were heavily Christian. Some included Jewish and Muslim leaders. People’s Lobby, however, is not a faith-based organization. It includes, among other elements, a “Faith Liberation Movement” of clergy and people of faith, but the organization itself is broad-based. It is made up of a diversity of ethnic groups, urban and suburban, religious and non-religious (agnostic and atheist), all of which are represented in the leadership. What we have in common is a commitment to social justice.

I like the nature of this organization. Christians do not have a privileged place. We are one group among many others. We are engaged in a common mission of bringing about change in our society oriented to justice. We share from a place of faith—of a particular faith. Others share from other places. We are able to serve the common good along with others. We are able to be what Jesus called us to be, salt, light, and yeast. We can hardly be these without being engaged in our world which includes embracing the gifts and visions of others.

Early on in the program, various groups, perhaps a dozen, were given an opportunity to make some noise indicating their presence among us. By the level of noise, it was clear that there was a sizable group of faith leaders. I was grateful for this witness that linked our faith to social justice, especially given that many, with little experience with Christians, have (through the media) associated Christians with reactionary impulses: anti-immigrant, anti-gay, anti-others, narrow, mean-spirited, and judgmental. The impression is given that Christians are looking out for themselves and are pressing for a privileged place for Christianity in American society and law.

A pastor, an African American, ended the meeting with a prayer. Before praying, he acknowledged that what he was about to do came from his faith tradition and that there were many others who did not share in this tradition or in any faith tradition. He encouraged others to reach out to God in the way they thought of God, or if they did not believe in God, to simply share in the spirit of the work we were doing together. He did not speak from a place of special privilege but from a place alongside others and as a servant to others. Certainly, this is where Jesus, who was the servant of all, has called us to be.

Filed under: Justice, Witness

Neglected Matters

Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint, dill, and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. It is these you ought to have practiced without neglecting the others. (Matthew 23:23)

He has told you, O human one, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8)

Filed under: Texts