Category: Justice

Refugees In Our Midst

God enacts justice for orphans and widows, and he loves immigrants, giving them food and clothing. That means you must also love immigrants because you were immigrants in Egypt. (Deuteronomy 10:18-19)

These words from Deuteronomy, in the Bible, were directed to those who “revere the Lord your God” and who “serve him, cling to him,” a people who themselves had been immigrants. They had been immigrants who then were enslaved. They knew what it was to be received into a land and then mistreated.

God says to them that they were not to be like that with those who came into their land. They were to love immigrants because they had been immigrants and because God loved and welcomed them.

This message from the Bible is especially for those who read the Bible as their sacred text, who hear in these words a word of the Lord.

For those who believe in the God who loves immigrants, it is impossible to support what is happening in our nation and the actions of our leaders in regard to immigrants. We are to care for the sojourner in our land. It makes no difference how they came here. They remain human beings made in the image of God in our midst, with needs. We are not to turn away from them. We are not to add to their burdens. We are not to demean them, treating them all as criminals, so as not to feel we have a responsibility for their welfare.

This is a word especially for those who see themselves as people of the Book, of the Bible and as Christians. If we are unwilling to welcome the sojourner, if we refuse care and a place for those who have fled from harm, if we would only add to their harm, it would be better not to call ourselves Christian, that is, persons who have come to be in Christ.

If we have come to be in Christ, the Christ in us does not allow us to disregard other human beings created in God’s image. The love of Christ compels us to respond to their needs—which means getting to know them and their actual needs.

Whatever the laws of our land are or become, we have to live by the law of love which we have come to know in Christ. We must not make of our nation or its laws an idol. We are children of God, before we are citizens of a particular nation. That is why St. Paul calls us “fellow citizens with God’s people.”

We have learned to recognize fellow citizens of a common humanity across national borders and ethnicities who we are called to love with the love of God poured into our hearts by the Spirit.

Filed under: Compassion, Justice, Mercy, SocietyTagged with: ,

Martin Luther King Jr. and God’s Good News

Jesus came proclaiming the good news of God’s reign. He said to the crowds who came out to hear him, “Repent and have faith for the reign of God is near.” Many received this good news as good news. The reign of God was seen as a reign of love, compassion, mercy, forgiveness, healing and new life.

But not all heard the good news as good news. King Herod felt threatened and sought to have Jesus killed. Governor Pilate oversaw his crucifixion.

Prophets proclaim God’s good news, for God is always about our good. But often, God’s good news is experienced as bad news to its recipients. The prophet, Jeremiah, had prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple and captivity in Babylon. It was a word of judgment, but it was also the word God’s people needed. They did not hear it as good news, but it was. Israel needed to sit down awhile in a place distant from their homeland. They needed to do some self-examination. They needed to acknowledge their idolatry and injustice, so that they would come back to the God who created and called them and experience again God’s mercy and plans for them. (After 70 years in Babylon another prophet proclaimed the good news of freedom to go back home to rebuild Jerusalem and the temple.)

Martin Luther King Jr., as a pastor and a prophet, proclaimed the good news of liberation, but not all received his message as good news. The White establishment, the crafters of Jim Crow laws and terror lynchings, received King’s message as bad news. They heard it as the destruction of their system and way of life, and they fought against it with violence and brutality.

God is about our freedom, and King proclaimed liberation. What the White establishment did not realize was that with the freedom King proclaimed, they would also have opportunity to be free—free from hatred and the struggle to hold another people down. They could be freed from all the time and attention and struggle to maintain an evil system that robbed them of their true humanity.

Where we are in our relationship to the God of love determines how we hear the good news of liberation—whether we hear it as good news or bad news. Martin Luther King proclaimed the good news of liberation. Response to that good news revealed where people stood in relation to freedom and humanity and love.

Lately, I have been thinking of King and his coming out against the Vietnam War. I have wondered, if he lived today, what he would say about the war in Gaza and our nation’s actions in response to it. He would certainly speak against war and genocide and its support.

There were leaders in the Civil Rights Movement who pressed King not to come out against the Vietnam War, but rather to remain focused on the issues of the Civil Rights Movement. King had a strong relationship with President Johnson who was pushing through civil rights legislation. King had an open door to the White House. He could call President Johnson and the president would come to the phone.

But at the same time that Johnson was addressing civil rights, he was also ratcheting up the war in Vietnam. The concern of many Civil Rights leaders was that, if King came out against the Vietnam War, he would lose the open door he had with the president. There were also those who saw the peace oriented nature of the protests as a tactic, not realizing that for King the issue of peace and peacemaking went much deeper.

When King came out against the Vietnam War, he made clear how essential peacemaking was to our humanity :

One day we must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal. We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means. How much longer must we play at deadly war games before we heed the plaintive pleas of the unnumbered dead and maimed of past wars? Why can’t we at long last grow up, and take off our blindfolds, chart new courses, put our hands to the rudder and set sail for the distant destination, the port city of peace (The Atlantic)?

King spoke to people dedicated to war as a solution. He called them (and us) to repent and become peacemakers. It was not a word that President Johnson and many lawmakers and others (then and now) wanted to hear, but it was and is a word of truth we need to hear.

The words and actions of peacemakers are bad news to those committed to war as a solution and to those who profit from war. They are good news to our true humanity made in the image of God.

Filed under: Justice, Liberation, Peace, Racism, WarTagged with: , ,

Nations Become What They Decide To Be

The decisions we make manifest themselves in what we become as human beings. If we decide to get back at others for what they said or did that hurt us, and make a habit of such reactions, we become someone who operates from hurt and anger. On the other hand, if we decide to act from a place of love for others, regardless of how they act toward us, we become lovers of humanity—yes, of a broken humanity. If we have a habit of doing what Jesus instructs his followers to do, “turning the other cheek,” “loving our enemies, “praying for those who persecute us,” we are on a path of growth into our true humanity as children of God.

Our decisions determine what we become. We decide for our humanity or inhumanity. We decide to be lovers or reactors. We decide to give to or to get back at another human being. We decide what we become.

Nations decide what they become. In our nation, a congress, a president, a supreme court, and “we the people” decide what we will be toward each other and the world.

As a people, we have opportunities to decide what kind of nation we will be. We can be tribal in our decisions, reacting against others (owning the libs, or detesting MAGA people). We can make decisions from grievances and the despising of others or we can make decisions from a vision of wholeness and compassion.

In a democracy, even a partial democracy like the United States, the decisions of “we the people” regarding who and what kind of leadership we want, in some measure, provide us with the nation we have. The less we are an autocracy and the more we are a democracy, the more clearly “we the people” are responsible for what we get.

We are responsible for choosing a government that seeks justice for and the uplift of those marginalized or a government and nation that marginalize. We know that it is possible to decide for a government that annihilates a people as the Nazis did. Or, as we did, decide to institute slavery and then, with its abolition, decide for the continued marginalization and oppression of a people by implementing Jim Crow laws and by terrorizing a people with lynchings as the South did or by establishing racist policies, actions and mores as the North did.

Of course, if we care little for anyone beyond ourselves, our family, “our people,” our religion, then we will give little attention to the effects government and societal decisions have on people other than ourselves. We will not spend time trying to understand how others are affected by laws, policies, mores. We will, by our support, ignorance or simply not caring, keep in place laws and mores that maintain the oppression of others outside our circle. (Slavery remained for 250 years, Jim Crow laws for 70 years through a combination of support and/or apathy from a majority of Americans.)

However we think about our decisions as a people and a nation, we see what we have decided by what we have become. Germans must come to terms with the nation they became, a nation that was responsible for killing 6 million Jews. Many, at the time of the Holocaust, may have excused themselves by saying they were not voting for genocide, but the truth is the seeds were there in the rhetoric of Hitler and others.

Americans must come to terms with what we became, a nation responsible for the genocide of millions of Native Americans through displacement and massacre, and the death of millions of Africans who died in the Middle Passage and millions who were brutalized as slaves. Of course, coming to terms with our past means acknowledging the truth of our past. Our oppressive actions locally and globally remain, unless we acknowledge our wrongs and repent. Trying to rewrite or ignore these aspects of our history only binds us to past decisions and future acts of oppression.

We continue to decide what we become—especially by our decisions toward those who have been marginalized, excluded, pushed aside in our nation. Of course, what we become as a nation comes from the decisions of a cross-section of the electorate. What many of us would like to see is not even on the ballot, but must be lifted up and worked for though doing justice, loving mercy and living faithfully. Therefore, Jesus calls the children of humanity, who are also children of God, to be light in the darkness. We are to be witnesses to what we have come to know of the love of God.

Jesus spoke of the age we live in as an “evil age.” In this age, we are to witness to what we have seen and have come to know of our true humanity created in the image of God. Like yeast, we are to have an effect on the whole; we are not to force something on others, but to effect the decisions of others and our nation by our witness to the love of God that is good news for the oppressed, heals the brokenhearted and welcomes all.

Filed under: Decision, Humanity, Justice, WitnessTagged with: , ,

A Christian View of Christian Nationalism

By “Christian,” I mean a follower of Jesus who has come to view the world from the experience of “being in Christ.”

By follower of Jesus, I mean one who is being led to:

  1. Bear suffering in order to serve others. 1
  2. Serve rather than seek dominion over others.2
  3. Love rather than judge or condemn others.3
  4. Love enemies and pray for them.4
  5. Love our neighbor as ourselves, no matter who our neighbor is.5
  6. Do justice, love mercy and live faithfully.6

By the experience of “being in Christ” I mean that we:

  1. Participate in the reality of the crucified and risen Christ so that we die to the old in-turned self and rise to “walk in newness of life.”7
  2. Participate in Christ’s love.8
  3. Be led by the Spirit, rather than by religious rules, principles and beliefs which the “flesh” (the ego-centric self) loves.9
  4. Operate by God’s grace through faith, rather than legalistic moralism.10
  5. Trust ourselves, others, and all creation to God, rather than act like we are the ones who have the answer.

When Christian nationalism is viewed from the vantage point of following Jesus and participating in the reality of Christ, it is seen merely as nationalism with a Christian facade. It is an idolatry of the nation undergirded by Christian rhetoric, particularly in the form of “Christian” laws and principles.

Those who seek to bring back the “Christian foundations” of our nation hearken back to an earlier Christian nationalism, one, at least in part, inherited from Europe. They hearken to a kind of Christian morals and mores that existed as a dimension of our nation alongside its constitution, a Christian morality that for many included the institution of slavery and the dispossession of the peoples indigenous to the land. In other words, a Christianity far removed from the message and life of Christ—a Christianity quite capable of horrendous evil.

The present Christian nationalism carries forward the elements of this earlier nationalism, above all in its White (and male) supremacy. It downplays our history of racism, oppression, and injustice and discounts the primary roots of the American revolution and constitution in Enlightenment values.

Of course, there has been another much smaller stream of Christianity (which included European American Christians) that engaged in movements for the abolition of slavery, pressed for peace among nations, and sought social justice.

Above all, it has been African American Christians who, from their lived experience, brought radical clarity to the unchristian reality of our nation. Frederick Douglass called the Christianity of the slave-holding South and those Northern churches that continued to support their Southern counterparts as “sham religion.“

Black Christians continue to offer a critique and an alternative to White Christian nationalism. White Christians must listen to their voices—which means we must repent of our arrogance. By listening with open hearts, we will receive from those who experience the oppressive nature of White Christian nationalism.

The call to follow Jesus and participate in the Christ reality is a call to repent from all Christian nationalism, from all idolatry of nation and of whiteness and of ourselves, and all attempts to have dominion over others. Freed from idolatry, we are freed from feeling like we must secure “our Christianity.” We are freed from safeguarding what we have built (our false Christianity) and therefore freed to serve others.

Jesus calls his followers, not to dominate and bully others, but to be salt and light in the world, to be witnesses to God’s love and mercy in word and in action. At the heart of our witness is a welcoming love toward others that does justice, loves mercy and walks humbly with God.

  1. “If any wish to come after me, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” Luke 9:23 ↩︎
  2. “But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them. It will not be so among you, but whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be your slave, just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:25-28 ↩︎
  3. “Do not judge, so that you may not be judged.” Matthew 7:1 ↩︎
  4. “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Matthew 5:44 ↩︎
  5. “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 19:19 ↩︎
  6. “The weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith.” Matthew 23:23 ↩︎
  7. “We were buried with him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we also might walk in newness of life.” Romans 6:4 ↩︎
  8. “God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.” Romans 5:5 ↩︎
  9. “For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.” Romans 8:14 ↩︎
  10. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.” Ephesians 2:8 ↩︎
Filed under: Discipleship, Grace, Justice, Racism, Society, WitnessTagged with: , ,

Israel, Palestine and What Makes for Peace

“As Jesus came near and saw the city, he wept over it, saying, “If you, even you, had only recognized on this day the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes.”

Luke 19:41-42

Jesus still weeps over Jerusalem and Palestine and the cities and nations of the world, weeps over our nation’s capital and our nation. If we only knew the things that make for peace, but they are hidden from us by our pridefulness and arrogance.

Join Jesus in weeping over Jerusalem and Palestine. That is a starting point for those of us distant from the horror, but who learn daily of the carnage and loss of life. Weep over the acts of terrorism in the slaughter of Israelis, men, women, and children. Weep over the ongoing slaughter of Palestinians, men, women, and children, and for the many children being traumatized, going hungry, exposed, and living in fear.

Then weep for ourselves and our warring ways, for our support for war as a solution. Weep for the wars fought in the name of God and for wars fought in the name of no God; for wars pitting one religion against another and for wars to end religion; for wars fought in the name of ideologies, fought in the name of democracy, or an autocratic ruler, or capitalism, or communism, or any of the many isms.

Weep for the poor and suffering and the violence added to their lives. Stand with those who suffer. Stand against oppression and brutality in whatever name it is exercised, whatever religion or ideology. Join Jesus in weeping over the world and then take up your own cross and walk in the way of peace. Do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God. Justice, mercy, and humility are the ways of peace.

“There can be no justice without peace. And there can be no peace without justice.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

These words of Pastor King are a statement of reality. Peace cannot be achieved without justice and justice cannot be achieved without peace.

Israel, in the end, will not know peace without doing justice, making right what is wrong in their relationship with Palestinians. War is not the answer. Justice is. “There can be no peace without justice.”

And the United States will not have helped Israel by continuing to arm it and refusing to call for a ceasefire and taking steps toward peace.

”Those who live by the sword, die by the sword.”


This remains true. Violence begets violence.

And Palestinians will not achieve justice by violent actions, but rather injustice will be added to injustice. The Civil Rights Movement in the United States points to a way: peaceful, sustained, active resistance. “There can be no justice without peace.”

“Let us then pursue what makes for peace.”

St. Paul

Doing justice makes for peace. Love that takes up the cross (that enters into the suffering of others rather than adding to it) makes for peace.

In our commitment to dominate others, in our commitment to our own security over others, the United States, along with Israel and the other nations of the world will keep going to war. Throughout most of our history, the United States has been at war somewhere in the world. And we have spent trillions of dollars on armament, monies that could be used for peace and for the uplift of those in need and therefore for justice.

We remain blind to what makes for peace.

So, Jesus weeps over us: “If you, even you, had only recognized on this day the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes.”

Filed under: Grief, Justice, Poverty, WarTagged with: , , , ,

Jesus and Trans Persons

There has been a plethora of legislation crafted, or in the process of being crafted, by state legislatures across the country, that affects transgender persons and the people who love them. Generally, these laws being considered or already passed affect transgender children, their parents, doctors, and educators. They tend to make life more difficult for those directly affected. They further marginalize those already marginalized in our society.

There are many situations that do not need laws. There are many decisions that need to be left to those who are most affected—who live close to the issues. And there is this reality, also: There are many attitudes present in our society that will support oppressive laws.

Not all societies marginalize trans persons as ours has. There have been societies that have had very different attitudes toward transgender persons than our society. As I understand it, indigenous peoples of the Americas have historically simply recognized the gifts and special place of trans persons in their communities. Their recognition provides an alternative.

Laws motivated by fear, discomfort, and prejudice will end up being oppressive; they will further “disinherit” and put “people’s backs to the wall” (Howard Thurman, Jesus and the Disinherited). This is particularly true when politicians, concerned with maintaining power, tap into the fears and prejudices of others in order to gain standing for their next election.

As a follower of Jesus, I tend to ask, “What would Jesus do?” Where is Jesus on this matter of laws that further marginalize people? What do we learn from his life and teaching?

What is clear about Jesus is that he spent his time with the marginalized and outcasts—with the poor, the beggar along the road; the sick, the blind, the deaf, and the lame; with lepers who lived outside the community; with those experiencing mental breakdown. He spent time with those in need, the brokenhearted, and those who were bound. He brought healing and deliverance.

When he was invited to a religious leader’s house and noticed the kind of people who were invited, he said to his host, “When you give a luncheon or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers and sisters or your relatives or rich neighbors, in case they may invite you in return, and you would be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind (Luke 14:12).” It is clear where Jesus’ heart was.

When a woman was about to be stoned for adultery in accordance with the law, Jesus did not join the religious leaders (all men) forming a circle around her. He joined the woman.

Jesus’ harshest words came against those with social standing who set themselves over others. Many are familiar with the beatitudes or blessings of Jesus, but not so familiar with Jesus’ “woes”:

“Woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation. Woe to you who are full now, for you will be hungry. Woe to you who are laughing now, for you will mourn and weep (Luke 6:24-25).”

These words speak to those who have “made it” in society, who have position and influence, and who may also have leadership roles that directly affect the lives of others. Jesus calls all to turn from positioning themselves over others and oppressing others.

He calls his followers to lives of compassion and serving others. He calls us to enter into the lives of others. No more making decisions about others from a distance, decisions that continue to marginalize.

Do not further marginalize. Do not add to people’s experiences of being bullied. Enter, with compassion, into the lives of parents who are raising a child who experiences their gender as opposite to their biological sex. Listen to parents who demonstrate loving acceptance of their child and their child’s experience of themselves. Support them, and encourage teachers who are trying to provide a loving, welcoming space in their classrooms and schools.

Jesus is with the trans child and the trans adult. He comes to them with compassion and acceptance. Like every one of us, trans individuals must make their own decisions about their lives, take the steps they see to take. They will seek guidance from those who love them. They may seek God’s guidance as well.

At the heart of it all is this: we are to love others. “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love is open to the other person’s experience. Love listens.

Legislators, if you are not listening to trans persons or the parents of trans children, do not craft laws for them. Do not further burden them with your fear, discomfort, prejudice, or that of your constituents.

What is required of you as a human being is to “do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:8).” Justice does not add to the wrongs but makes right what is wrong. Mercy sees the burdens others are carrying and does not add to the burdens but lifts them. Therefore, walk humbly, listen, and be open to the experience of those who are being marginalized. They are in a better position to speak of their needs than those operating from fear, discomfort, and prejudice, or from a desire to maintain power.

Filed under: Compassion, Humanity, Justice, MercyTagged with: , ,

Martin Luther King On Love Over Hate

I read a column in the Washington Post entitled, Hug an election denier. It was a gentle call to see the humanity in the person you believe has left reality behind and has embraced ways of thinking and operating that undermine our society. Given the nature of the article, it mainly addresses “moderates” and “progressives.”

The comments of readers of the article were revealing: Many who see themselves as progressives are not particularly progressive when it comes to seeing the humanity in those they labeled fascists or simply saw as gullible. While the right may tend to demonize the left, many on the left (who tend not to believe in demons) make the right out to be crazy or mentally deranged.

There were, however, also comments from those who understood the importance of loving others no matter their beliefs, actions, or conditions. One commenter quoted Dr. Martin Luther King Jr: “Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

These words come from a Christmas sermon in 1957. Here is a fuller quote:

Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction. So when Jesus says, “love your enemies,” he is setting forth a profound and ultimately inescapable admonition. Have we not come to such an impasse in the modern world that we must love our enemies—or else? The chain reaction of evil—hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars—must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation.

Pastor King knew something of what is required of us to “love our enemies.” He lived it, and we saw the power of people marching out of prayer meetings into the streets to face dogs and fire hoses and beatings and jail, and even death. We also witnessed change come to our society.

I recall John Lewis, in his book, Walking with the Wind: A Memoir of the Movement, writing of his experience on the first freedom ride when he was hauled off the bus and beaten. A police officer asked him if he wanted to press charges against the man who beat him. Lewis said something to the effect that the man who beat him was a victim of and a part of a system. Lewis was fighting the system. So, no, he was not pressing charges; he was getting back on the bus in order to bring down the Jim Crow system.

For John Lewis, love was central. He was attracted to the non-violent nature of the movement because it provided a way for love to act to bring about real change. Love allowed him to see the humanity in those who opposed his freedom. He was able to see beyond what they were caught up in. He was able to see what they could be if they let go of and were liberated from their racism.

Along the same vein, Frederick Douglass wrote of how the slaveholder also was a victim. His slave-holding robbed him of his humanity, robbed him of compassion and the ability to love; it deteriorated all his relationships. Abolish slavery and both slave and slaveholder are set free. At least, the slaveholder has the possibility of freedom, if he embraces it rather than seeks to reinstate slavery under other names.

“Love of enemies” is a spiritual reality. It comes from God who loves a broken, hurting, alienated humanity, a humanity that has made itself enemies of God, enemies of Love. We hear this love in the words of Jesus on the cross, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” This love forgives; it looks beyond faults and sees needs. It changes the trajectory of our lives.

This love is a gift from God. It is grace. We can open our lives to it and be changed by it. The apostle Paul says it is the greatest gift. “Faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”

Filed under: Justice, Liberation, LoveTagged with: , , ,

Light In The Darkness

I have previously written about “The Coming Collapse” and the sowing of injustice that operates like a parasite eating its host. It reaps the death it sows.

The words from Psalm 10 express this reality: “In arrogance, the wicked persecute the poor—let them be caught in the schemes they have devised.” They are caught in what they have devised! They reap what they sow and do not see it coming. But how much will evil destroy before there is nothing left to destroy? In the face of evil, love must act, doing the work of justice and mercy.

It does not matter how we think about what we are sowing, the seeds we sow will determine what is produced. We can put a religious facade over our actions and deceive ourselves about our oppressive ways, but the outcome will reveal what we have sown. We reap what we sow, and we know the activity of both love and evil by their fruits. The one will produce justice, mercy, and life, the other oppression and death.

The prophets of the Hebrew scriptures often proclaimed a “word of the Lord” directed to what is being sown—to the evil sown—and what is about to be reaped. The reaping is seen as God’s judgment, but that judgment is also inherent to human actions. If we act against our true selves, as beings created in the image of God, we experience God’s judgment as the judgment of our false selves, our phantom selves that are being wasted away by evil.

It is possible to think of human history in this way—and our present time. Frederick Douglass recognized the destruction that slavery brought not only to those enslaved but to slave owners. Abraham Lincoln viewed the Civil War, which brought a greater loss of life than all other American wars combined, as the judgment of God inherent to the evil of slavery.

In our own time, we see democracy—which our nation has made so much of, whatever its form—being eaten away from within. A growing number of people would prefer autocracy if it were their autocracy, their hold over government, in order to maintain or achieve their positions over others. Many are afraid of equality in a multi-cultural nation. They are afraid of the voices they have sought to silence. In their actions, they end up silencing love and justice. They sow oppression and reap destruction, theirs and their nation’s.

With evil sown comes much hurt and breakdown and injustice. What we hear over and over again in the Hebrew prophets, the Psalms, and the New Testament is that God is with the broken: the poor, the needy, the outcasts, the imprisoned, those who are oppressed. God is their comforter, protector, and deliverer. If we want to be where God is, be with those experiencing oppression. Sit with those who hurt (It makes no difference, their class, ethnicity, gender identity, political party or any other way they may identify themselves). Be with those our former president called “losers.”

And also call out those who are oppressing others so that they may be warned of the coming judgment (the reaping) and turn back to their true humanity made in the image of God. Call them back to the love of God so that they may receive mercy and be changed. And then each of us must keep turning to God so that, in the words of the old Shaker hymn, “by turning, turning we come ’round right.”

God calls forth those who will be light in a world of oppression, who will do justice, love mercy, and operate with compassion. Such people may or may not have a set of “religious beliefs” but they will have the experience of real compassion which literally means to “suffer with” and which always comes from the God who is Love—as does all that is expressive of our true humanity, all that is real. Those who act with compassion will be witnesses to a humanity made in the image of God and will be light in the darkness.

Filed under: Compassion, Evil, Humanity, Justice, Racism, Suffering, WitnessTagged with: , ,

Pro Life. Pro Choice.

I am pro life. I am pro choice.

(Dear reader, This is the longest post I have ever posted. My hope is that you read it to the end. Thanks.)

I am pro life. I am for life in the womb and out of the womb. I am for nourishing life in and out of the womb. I am for the health of mothers and their children and for women before they become mothers and whether or not they become mothers. I am for a society that cares about life, all life, and supports life with loving compassion.

I am pro life. Therefore, I am against death in our streets, schools, grocery stores, theaters, and for addressing underlying causes of these deaths. I am against capital punishment. I am against war. When my draft number came up during the Vietnam War, I sought a conscientious objector status and was grateful for a nation that allowed me to serve by doing alternate civilian service working with youth.

I am against the huge amounts of money spent on war preparation, funds that could be used to support life, humanitarian aid, learning the ways of peace, and operating justly in the world.

I am pro life. I am for the care of the other creatures who share our earth home. I am against the disregard for these creatures and the choices that lead to their extinction.

In almost all circumstances, my wife and I are not for choosing to end life in the womb. At what point that life becomes a human person, I do not know. I know that it is potentially a human person. The first speck of life on this planet was potentially human in the evolution of life. I think of what happens in the womb as something similar. I am quite simply for life, for being.

I am pro choice. I am for facing the choices before me and making a decision. Sometimes the choices can be very narrow. For example, whether it is time to enter hospice or not. Nothing can take the act of choosing from me. Even in prison, there are choices.

Of course, the kinds of choices I make are affected by the choices others make. Some people have a wider range of choices than others, and one person’s sphere of choices limits another’s. White supremacy, patriarchy, classism, etc. affect and limit the choices available to others. (And affects the choices of those caught up in White supremacy, patriarchy, classism, etc.)

Laws can narrow the choices. Laws and governing bodies historically have limited the choices for women and especially women of color. Men in power (White men), by the means of laws, have exerted control over women’s lives, and more so with women of color. Of course, laws can be defied. The civil rights movement is a powerful example of choosing to defy laws in order to bring about change.

Lawmakers make choices that affect our choices. They make choices from many different life experiences, motivations, attitudes, commitments, and agendas. They make just choices and unjust choices.

I have taken part in many actions and demonstrations over the years witnessing against unjust choices, laws that have brought about the mass incarceration of people of color, laws that have treated drug abuse as a crime rather than a health problem, laws that do not prevent banks from creating predatory loans, laws that diminish various human rights, etc. I have demonstrated against our nation’s wars. Still, our government has decided for one war after another and brought great suffering and loss of life across our globe.

Nevertheless, I view government and lawmakers as necessary and capable of doing good. Government is capable of providing laws that regulate health and safety, address environmental concerns, and respond to inequalities and injustices that are present, if it would.

But government is also very limited in providing help for our personal decisions and adds much to our confusion and breakdown. From a place of solemn silence, Thomas Merton viewed the governments of the world:

“It is necessary to be present alone at the resurrection of Day in solemn silence at which the sun appears, for at this moment all the affairs of cities, of governments, of war departments, are seen to be the bickering of mice.”

There are critical limits to what bickering mice can provide us in the way of help for our choices. The decision of the Supreme Court concerning Roe v. Wade now moves to Congress and to state governments where discourse often breaks down into power plays, disingenuous appeals to culture issues in order to hold onto power, grandstanding, dishonesty, and self-righteous moralism, ways of operating that are not conducive to decisions that encourage life and love. Lost are the experiences of real human beings who cannot simply be forced by law into a decision, particularly when there exists other pressures, circumstances, and life situations. Many women will still feel constrained by circumstances and life experiences to seek an abortion regardless of laws passed by legislators.

Like others, my wife and I have a faith stance and a view that gives form to our choices. Other people have their own stance and view, as well as circumstances—often of an intense and complicated nature—that give form to their choices. We make decisions based on what we see and others do the same. We each must make our own decisions without judging the other. Adding the power of government (the bickering mice) to decide for women only complicates and aggravates the choice they have to make for themselves.

As it is, the issue of abortion is complicated by a culture that makes much of individual choice and little of life—a problem for those on the right and the left. They each have their favored freedoms and rights. And they each have their varying attitudes toward life.

Many in the pro-life movement support war and capital punishment and tend to minimize society’s responsibility for equitable sources of nurture, health care, and resources that support life. While making much of personal responsibility, many do not exercise responsibility for changing the societal context of people’s circumstances and decisions. The pro-life movement undermines its message by its anti-life stances in relation to life outside the womb.

Many in the pro-choice movement undermine their message when they diminish the significance of the choice. Simply having a choice (a right) is not the fundamental issue (although, when we do not have the right, it certainly moves to the forefront). It is what we decide in every situation that is critical, whether the available choices are many or few or very hard.

With every exercise of a right, with every choice we make among the choices available, we are deciding about ourselves and what we are becoming. We are deciding what kind of a society we, along with others, are building. We cannot escape making choices about life in one way or another.

We decide to love or not to love and how we are to love others and how to love ourselves, at times in the midst of great trials. We decide whether or not to undergo struggle or suffering in order to lovingly serve others. We decide for life and wholeness or decide to find a way out of making the hard choices (the life-changing choices) that life and wholeness require. And we often make choices based on what we think we are capable of, not realizing that with God we are capable of far more.

But the cultural reality is this: In a society that accepts some laws almost unanimously (laws against murder and theft), a majority of Americans see a place for abortion, at least within limits. This fact (among other issues, including suggestions above) tells me that, with abortion, we enter an area where laws are incapable of addressing this issue. In the end, each of us must make our own decisions; we must each engage questions of right and wrong and the ways of love and life.

We all have many ethical choices to make without norms set by civil law. This appears to be one of those kinds of choices. Like most choices this one has to be left to individuals to make in times of “solemn silence” and in consultation with their doctor, their families, and those they choose to go to for guidance.

Furthermore, as a society, we can address some of the underlying reasons women have for choosing abortion. For example, we can ensure that all have a living wage—a wage that can support a family. We can ensure that child care and health care are available to all equitably. We can also provide, at the least, a thoughtful “comprehensive sex education” for youth (who are bombarded by sex through various mediums of communication and often left without guidance). Faith communities can offer a holistic spirituality that provides a foundation for healthy decisions and healthy relationships as well as providing a community of support.

Finally, those of us who are pro life must be more persuasive, not by our talk, but by the lives we live, by our compassionate care for all life: for the weak and the vulnerable and the dependent (which is all of us). And by doing justice, loving mercy, and living faithfully. We may find that what the law cannot do, a change in our culture can.

Filed under: Decision, Justice, SocietyTagged with: , , ,

How to Pray for Lying Leaders

One of the things I love about the Bible is its humanity, its expressions of a wide range of human experience—the good, the bad, the ugly, and the sublime. This diversity of expression is true of the Psalms, a book of prayers and songs. The Psalms express our fears and joys, despair and depression, sin and guilt, grace and mercy, rescue and deliverance, gratitude and praise to God.

There are psalms that express deep suffering at the hands of others. The praying person cries out for deliverance from enemies and often calls God to bring judgment down upon their oppressors. Sometimes their prayer includes specific suggestions on how God should act. Some of these suggestions, I cannot imagine praying. But these prayers come from experiences of brutal oppression. And God hears our prayers, our deep suffering. But God does not necessarily do what we ask.

Still, we need to pray out what we are feeling. I had a member of my congregation share with me his anger toward God for his wife’s debilitating illness. His anger kept him from praying. He had been told that he was not to question God. I pointed to a psalm where the person praying was definitely questioning God. This member of my congregation could go to God and share freely how he felt toward God; it was not as if God did not know. And God was certainly “big enough” to take his anger, which was not so true with the people in his life.

Which brings me to Psalm 59, a prayer for deliverance from enemies. I do not feel free to pray for every manner of God’s wrath that the psalmist calls down on his enemies. But I can pray this:

“Make them totter by your power and bring them down,
O Lord, our shield.
For the sin of their mouths, the words of their lips,
let them be trapped in their pride.
For the cursing and lies that they utter.”

How do we pray when our petitions concern leaders and people of influence who lie, distort, and put out all manner of disinformation, who, in their pride and arrogance, show no compunction about leading people astray, who prey upon people’s weaknesses and self-absorption, their fears, prejudices, grievances, misplaced anger, and gullibility? How do we pray for leaders who bow down to and serve the god of personal power?

While many people are concerned with the undermining of democratic institutions (I have this concern as well, along with the undemocratic aspects of our institutions.), my main concern has to do with our basic humanity. After all, our democratic institutions allowed “we the people” to put Donald Trump into the office of president. The deeper issue is the way those in positions of leadership lead us further into our self-deceit and further away from our humanity created in the image of God.

All the lies and distortions ultimately take us away from living out our essential humanity as expressed by the prophet Micah: “He has told you, O mortal, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God?”

Lying leaders and influencers lead others away from their true humanity. They beguile people away from doing justice, loving mercy, and living faithfully. Which means that we, as a nation, are being led deeper into injustice, hatred, the despising of others, division, and violence.

So, how to pray when lying leaders refuse to change, refuse to repent. Considering St. Paul’s words about reaping what we sow and pride going before the fall, pray for the reaping and the fall that is coming:

“Make them totter by your power and bring them down. For the sin of their mouths, the cursing and lies that they utter, let them be trapped in their pride.” Amen.

Filed under: Justice, Leadership, PrayerTagged with: , ,