Tag: common good

Solidarity and the Coronavirus

It was a nurse practitioner that got me “woke.” She made plain that the trajectory we are presently on, without radical measures, will mean an exponential growth of the coronavirus. Her sharing also made plain the steps that I needed to take. I am taking directions from the doctors in my life and listening to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). God speaks to us in many ways.

Here is a sobering warning from an article this morning: “If the number of cases were to continue to double every three days, there would be about a hundred million cases in the United States by May.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/world/corona-simulator/?itid=hp_hp-banner-low_virus-simulator520pm%3Ahomepage%2Fstory-ans

It is all about containment at this point. It is about flattening out the growth curve. Therefore, it is about social distancing and cutting down on gatherings. (Along with hand washing and other practices that ought to be a general part of our lives.) The CDC is now encouraging gatherings of no more than 50. Illinois is closing restaurants and bars. The more we can stay out of circulation the better. This is particularly true for those of us who are able to do this. Young adults, who may have much less to be concerned about personally with this virus, must care about the wider community. There are some who have this virus and do not know it and are carriers.

We each have a part to play for the sake of the common good. Christians know (if they do not forget) that they are part of this world with all its problems, struggles, and breakdowns. We share in the decisions and calls to action. We know we are to seek knowledge and love our neighbor. We are called away from acting from fear or from self-absorption. We are to be a “people for others.” We must take steps regarding our gatherings in the same manner that others in the larger community must do.

We are to pray. Pray and act for the vulnerable among us. Pray for health workers and others who are on the front lines in countering this pandemic. Pray for those who are out of work and those who have child-care issues. Pray for leaders and those in positions of authority whose decisions affect the direction that we, as a global community, take. Pray for solidarity, that we work together for the good of all.

Be mindful of the changing needs in our communities. Each congregation has various ministries and ways of serving, some of which can be activated in response to specific needs. New ways of serving also may come into being in response to what is happening around us.

And receive the gift that is present in what we are enduring right now. We are experiencing an astonishing global action. Actions are being taken despite the effects on the economy. We must learn from this. What we are seeing right now of the global response, we must give witness to, when it comes to combating global climate change.

People of faith, reach out for discernment for the actions to take and for what God is doing in this time.

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