Tag: judgment

How to Pray for Lying Leaders

One of the things I love about the Bible is its humanity, its expressions of a wide range of human experience—the good, the bad, the ugly, and the sublime. This diversity of expression is true of the Psalms, a book of prayers and songs. The Psalms express our fears and joys, despair and depression, sin and guilt, grace and mercy, rescue and deliverance, gratitude and praise to God.

There are psalms that express deep suffering at the hands of others. The praying person cries out for deliverance from enemies and often calls God to bring judgment down upon their oppressors. Sometimes their prayer includes specific suggestions on how God should act. Some of these suggestions, I cannot imagine praying. But these prayers come from experiences of brutal oppression. And God hears our prayers, our deep suffering. But God does not necessarily do what we ask.

Still, we need to pray out what we are feeling. I had a member of my congregation share with me his anger toward God for his wife’s debilitating illness. His anger kept him from praying. He had been told that he was not to question God. I pointed to a psalm where the person praying was definitely questioning God. This member of my congregation could go to God and share freely how he felt toward God; it was not as if God did not know. And God was certainly “big enough” to take his anger, which was not so true with the people in his life.

Which brings me to Psalm 59, a prayer for deliverance from enemies. I do not feel free to pray for every manner of God’s wrath that the psalmist calls down on his enemies. But I can pray this:

“Make them totter by your power and bring them down,
O Lord, our shield.
For the sin of their mouths, the words of their lips,
let them be trapped in their pride.
For the cursing and lies that they utter.”

How do we pray when our petitions concern leaders and people of influence who lie, distort, and put out all manner of disinformation, who, in their pride and arrogance, show no compunction about leading people astray, who prey upon people’s weaknesses and self-absorption, their fears, prejudices, grievances, misplaced anger, and gullibility? How do we pray for leaders who bow down to and serve the god of personal power?

While many people are concerned with the undermining of democratic institutions (I have this concern as well, along with the undemocratic aspects of our institutions.), my main concern has to do with our basic humanity. After all, our democratic institutions allowed “we the people” to put Donald Trump into the office of president. The deeper issue is the way those in positions of leadership lead us further into our self-deceit and further away from our humanity created in the image of God.

All the lies and distortions ultimately take us away from living out our essential humanity as expressed by the prophet Micah: “He has told you, O mortal, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God?”

Lying leaders and influencers lead others away from their true humanity. They beguile people away from doing justice, loving mercy, and living faithfully. Which means that we, as a nation, are being led deeper into injustice, hatred, the despising of others, division, and violence.

So, how to pray when lying leaders refuse to change, refuse to repent. Considering St. Paul’s words about reaping what we sow and pride going before the fall, pray for the reaping and the fall that is coming:

“Make them totter by your power and bring them down. For the sin of their mouths, the cursing and lies that they utter, let them be trapped in their pride.” Amen.

Filed under: Justice, Leadership, PrayerTagged with: , ,